A Physician for the Sick

Sermon: A Physician for the Sick

Scripture: Luke 5:12-39

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what areas of life right now do you find your greatest needs? What do you need from Jesus to meet those needs

  2. Does life currently feel like it’s full of joy or sadness? What are some ways, in our moments of sadness, we can cultivate joy

  3. What qualities of the Pharisees do you see creeping up in your own lives (we all have them)? What biblical reminders do we need to constantly be in our lives to combat those tendencies

  4. If the physical matters as much as the spiritual, how are you taking care of your body?

  5. Any stories of joy in the Lord this week?

Selfless Authority

Sermon: Selfless Authority

Scripture: Luke 4:31-5:11

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your first gut reaction when you think about authority? What has shaped this response?

  2. What sad thing(s) in your life right now do you desire for Jesus to “make untrue.”

  3. When you fail in following Jesus, what do you picture him thinking about you? What do you think is his disposition towards you? Why do you feel this way?

  4. Which aspect of Christ’s authority brings you the most comfort? Why? 

  5. What does a proper use of authority look like in the local church? From leaders towards congregants and from congregants towards one another?

God Save People...Except Them

Sermon: God Save People...Except Them

Scripture: Luke 4:14-30

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think the people of Nazareth initially speak well of Jesus but quickly reject him? Are there topics conversations in churches today that cause people to turn on their own?

  2. How does Jesus respond when he is rejected? What can that teach us about how we are to respond when rejected by others?

  3. The Nazarites bought into many preconceived notions on how God would act towards them. What are the preconceived notions we possess in the church today that need to be addressed?

  4. In what ways do you feel you have become too familiar with following Jesus? 

  5. What does jubilee look like on a daily basis? What should it look like in the worship gathering?

Jesus, the Son of God

Sermon: Jesus, the Son of God

Scripture: Luke 3:23-4:13

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways might the Holy Spirit be guiding us in our own times of testing or temptation? What is his role during those times in our lives?

  2. How can prolonged seasons of testing or waiting impact our spiritual journey? Have you ever had to wait for something? What did the Lord teach you during those days?

  3. What has been your experience with Scripture memory? What are the biggest challenges you have faced in that area? What techniques or methods have worked in the past to aid in hiding the Word in your hearts?

  4. What do these temptations teach us about the tactics of our enemy? What role does knowing your weaknesses play in being successful in temptation?

Returning Through Repentance

Sermon: Returning Through Repentance

Scripture: Luke 3:1-22

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some other tangible fruits that should mark a Christ-follower walking in repentance?

  2. How does the fact that John is speaking these words to “religious people” give you pause (considering most of us would fall into that category)? What are some ways to truly check yourself to see if you are walking in repentance or doing things for show?

  3. Why is the coming of Jesus good news specifically for these people John is speaking to? 

  4. What role does the Holy Spirit play in bearing fruit of repentance?

  5. Jesus talked about money more than most other topics in the Gospels. Why do you think it’s hard to talk about money and material possessions? How do you feel the allure of serving the master of money than the Master who is Jesus?

A Song-Filled Faith

Sermon: A Song-Filled Faith

Scripture: Luke 1:39-56

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is there anyone you are around on a regular basis that stirs up joy in you? What is it about that person that brings you delight?

  2. Of those three “reversals” in verses 51-53, which one are you longing for the most? Why?

  3. What are some things about God from these verses that cause you to “magnify” the Lord

  4. How can you make it more of a practice to remind those around you that you are grateful to be with them?

  5. What are some things the Lord has done for you to these last few weeks?

Forerunner and Fulfillment

Sermon: Forerunner and Fulfillment

Scripture: Luke 1:5-38

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you relate to any aspects of the three characters discussed in the narrative (Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah)? Are there any people from your life that remind you of these three characters? Why?

  2. This passage centers around believing God can do the impossible. Have you ever had to trust God in this way? Do you struggle more with believing CAN do the impossible or that he WILL do it?

  3. In those times where God doesn’t (or hasn’t yet) given you what you are asking for in faith, where do you find your comfort and hope? 

  4. What can we learn about becoming less and less and Christ becoming more and more through the role and ministry of John the Baptist? 

  5. Any good news anyone wants to share?