God Save People...Except Them

Sermon: God Save People...Except Them

Scripture: Luke 4:14-30

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think the people of Nazareth initially speak well of Jesus but quickly reject him? Are there topics conversations in churches today that cause people to turn on their own?

  2. How does Jesus respond when he is rejected? What can that teach us about how we are to respond when rejected by others?

  3. The Nazarites bought into many preconceived notions on how God would act towards them. What are the preconceived notions we possess in the church today that need to be addressed?

  4. In what ways do you feel you have become too familiar with following Jesus? 

  5. What does jubilee look like on a daily basis? What should it look like in the worship gathering?