Returning Through Repentance

Sermon: Returning Through Repentance

Scripture: Luke 3:1-22

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some other tangible fruits that should mark a Christ-follower walking in repentance?

  2. How does the fact that John is speaking these words to “religious people” give you pause (considering most of us would fall into that category)? What are some ways to truly check yourself to see if you are walking in repentance or doing things for show?

  3. Why is the coming of Jesus good news specifically for these people John is speaking to? 

  4. What role does the Holy Spirit play in bearing fruit of repentance?

  5. Jesus talked about money more than most other topics in the Gospels. Why do you think it’s hard to talk about money and material possessions? How do you feel the allure of serving the master of money than the Master who is Jesus?