Forerunner and Fulfillment

Sermon: Forerunner and Fulfillment

Scripture: Luke 1:5-38

Speaker: Austin Baker

Series: A King for All Nations

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you relate to any aspects of the three characters discussed in the narrative (Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah)? Are there any people from your life that remind you of these three characters? Why?

  2. This passage centers around believing God can do the impossible. Have you ever had to trust God in this way? Do you struggle more with believing CAN do the impossible or that he WILL do it?

  3. In those times where God doesn’t (or hasn’t yet) given you what you are asking for in faith, where do you find your comfort and hope? 

  4. What can we learn about becoming less and less and Christ becoming more and more through the role and ministry of John the Baptist? 

  5. Any good news anyone wants to share?