Immanuel Church: We Delight in Christ

Sermon: Immanuel Church: We Delight in Christ

Scripture: Psalm 16:1-11

Series: Immanuel Church: An Affectionate People

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GC Discussion Questions

  1. In looking at our vision statement, where are the current strengths and weaknesses for our church? What are some ways your GC’s can contribute to strengthening those areas of weakness?

  2. What does daily time in the Word and in prayer look like for those in your group? How can you be more intentional with carving time out for the Lord in 2023?

  3. What brings you delight in life? How can you be more aware in thanking God for his kindness when you experience that joy?

  4. How do you find moments of pause and rest in your daily lives? 

  5. Spend some time reflecting on ways God has demonstrated his goodness to you in the recent weeks.