Undivided Love

Sermon: Undivided Love

Scripture: Luke 10:25-37

Series: Stand Alone Sermon

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GC Discussion Questions

  1. What has loving your neighbors looked like in 2022 (with your GC and with your family)?

  2. What are some tangible, concrete ways you can love your neighbors in 2023?

  3. If loving our neighbors is undergirded and fueled by our love for God, how will you tangibly cultivate love for the Lord in 2023 (obviously with the help of the Spirit)?

  4. In what areas of your life do you find yourself most hypocritical? How and when did you realize that? How can you change?

  5. What wounds this coming year do you need Jesus, our Good Samaritan, to bind up this coming year? Spend some time praying for those.