Desperate Faith

Sermon: Desperate Faith

Scripture: Mark 5:21-43

Series: Stand Alone Sermon

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GC Discussion Questions

  1. Are you willing to be interrupted? If you are busy helping one person, will you still take the time to help someone who is hurting? How do you prioritize?

  2. Jesus felt it when He took on the woman's uncleanness and bestowed grace on her. How does knowing this affect your attitude toward the many times you have experienced forgiveness and grace? Forgiveness is free; is it cheap?

  3. Have you ever been frustrated with God's timing? Have you ever felt He waited until it was too late--but then He came through? Explain.

  4. How do these stories encourage us that no person and no situation are beyond Jesus' ability to restore?

  5. Do you know anyone who came to Jesus in desperation, convinced He was the only One who could help? Have you ever felt that way?