Immanuel Church: We Delight in Making Disciples

Sermon: Immanuel Church: We Delight in Making Disciples 

Scripture: Revelation 7:9-17 

Series: Immanuel Church: An Affectionate People

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GC Discussion Questions

  1. Is your GC currently working with a local neighborhood missions partner to make the real Jesus known? If not, are there any in your area that could be potential partners?

  2. What does family discipleship look like in your home? How often do your families pray together, study the Bible together, etc.?

  3. What has your experience been in the past of global missions? What did the Lord teach you through those experiences?

  4. How does God’s sovereignty over the salvation of people from all tribes and tongues give you confidence when taking the gospel to “Birmingham and beyond”?

  5. If someone is not able to go to the nations with the gospel, what are some other ways a person may serve the nations from where they live in Birmingham?