Immanuel Church: We Delight in God’s Word

Sermon: Immanuel Church: We Delight in God’s Word

Scripture: Acts 4:1-22

Series: Immanuel Church: An Affectionate People

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GC Discussion Questions

  1. When you think about sharing Christ with an unbeliever, what fears or hang ups pop up in your heart? Are there any good promises in God’s Word you can cling to in order to alleviate those fears?

  2. What does your personal time in the Word look like on a daily basis? What often prevents you from having that daily time with the Lord?

  3. Do you find it difficult to be still and meditate on truths from God’s Word? How can you begin to discipline yourself to pause and reflect rather than consume more info?

  4. How do you tend to reduce Jesus down in your own thoughts of him? What qualities about him do you tend to overemphasize more than others?

  5. Is there anyone in your life the Lord is leading you to in order to share the gospel? Spend some time praying for those individuals.