This Thursday evening we will be hosting a time of virtual communion. Throughout church history, believers have partaken in this meal on Maundy Thursday to remember the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before his betrayal and death. Ever since Jesus instituted this practice, local churches have regularly participated in the ordinance of Communion as a tangible way to remember the sacrifice of Jesus. We typically share in the Lord’s Supper each week during worship, but because we are not able to physically gather together, we have not partaken in the meal together for several weeks.
We believe that Communion is a ritual that helps us as believers appreciate and celebrate Jesus’s sacrifice for us. It is a means of grace that nourishes our faith as we tangibly touch and taste elements that remind us the broken body and shed blood of Christ. Through this meal, the Lord uniquely works in our hearts and meets with us.
Communion is a family meal. We partake in this meal together, as the body of Christ, holding it in mind that we belong to Jesus and to one another. Even though we cannot physically inhabit the same space, we can inhabit the same moment and, at least in some sense, be together. So this Thursday at 6:30 PM, we aim to do just that by taking communion together online via Zoom. We will read the words of institution from the gospels (Mark 14, Luke 22), reflect upon them, and then we will take the elements together.
To prepare for Thursday evening, I want to encourage you to do a few things:
Prepare your heart. The apostle Paul exhorts each of us not to take communion in an unworthy manner lest we profane this holy ordinance. Every believer in Jesus is encouraged to examine himself before participating in the meal. If you need to deal with an unconfessed sin, reconcile a relationship, or make right on something, let me encourage you to do so before Thursday evening. Also, please take care to notice that this meal for believers in Christ. It is for those who have confessed with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believed in their hearts that God raised him from the dead. If you or someone in your household has not publicly professed faith in Christ, they need to abstain from partaking in the meal on Thursday.
Prepare the elements. Because we are not able to be physically together, you will need to prepare the bread and wine/juice for your home. This will likely mean that you need to make a run to the store to pick up the elements before Thursday evening, unless you already have them at your house. If you are uncomfortable going to the grocery store due COVID-19 or unable to do so, it would be our delight to provide a communion kit for you. Please let us know if you need us to deliver the elements to your home, and we will be glad to do so. You can reach out by email to request help.
I am excited to share together special moment together with you. I pray the Lord uses this time to increase our faith and encourage our souls. See you Thursday evening.
Pastor Andy
Zoom Gathering Information
When: Apr 9, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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